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With the exponential grow of mobile gaming, Avia's Vickie Chen, shares a few things to consider for game development in today's mobile era.

AviaGames' CEO and founder, Vickie Chen recently attended the 2024 MAMA Sanya event hosted by AppsFlyer to discuss the "Post-Privacy Era" of app development. Avia was also selected as the winner of the "In-Depth Operations' award! appdevelopment

In the vast and dynamic realm of modern-day entertainment, mobile games have become a primary source of interactive fun and engagement. Revolutionizing how we pass time, these pocket-sized phenomenons have changed how we connect with others and test our skills. From the early days of a pixelated snake that eats blocks to today’s visually stunning worlds of adventure and impressive graphics, the mobile gaming landscape has completely transformed, and isn’t stopping here

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